* Mt CO₂-e = Million Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent.
* Mt CO₂-e = Million Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent.
Total Net Emissions
Mt CO₂-e |
v 2005 |
Dec 22 | 440.5 | 0.6% | 28.0% |
Mar 23 | 441.2 | 0.2% | 27.9% |
Jun 23 | 442.0 | 0.7% | 27.8% |
Sep 23 | 437.2 | 1.0% | 28.6% |
Dec 23 | 434.6 | 1.3% | 29.0% |
Mar 24 | 435.3 | 1.3% | 28.9% |
Jun 24 | 434.6 | 1.7% | 29.0% |
Sep 24 | 434.9 | 0.5% | 28.9% |
Dec 24 | 435.8 | 0.3% | 28.8% |
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
Total Net Emissions
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
When you hear the term 'Net Zero', have you ever thought about what 'Net' means?
It means total emissions put into the atmosphere minus emissions removed from the atmosphere.
So, gross emissions, are the total emissions put into the atmosphere before any removals.
In Australia, only one sector is responsible for both releasing and removing greenhouse gases: Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).
We have removed LULUCF from the total net emissions, as a proxy for Australia's gross emissions.
Total Gross Emissions
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
Click for full data
States and Territories
Total Emissions
When countries report their emissions, they're divided into sectors. Here are some key terms you might not be familiar with:
Sector Emissions
Mt CO₂-e |
Agriculture | 83.0 | 1.7% |
Electricity | 152.6 | 1.7% |
Fugitive Emissions | 47.8 | 1.5% |
Industrial Processes | 30.6 | 4.1% |
Land Use | -88.4 | 0 |
Stationary Energy | 97.0 | 1.3% |
Transport | 99.2 | 1.5% |
Waste | 13.8 | 0 |
Total | 435.8 | 0.3% |
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
Sector Emissions
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
Sector Emissions
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 |
How does Australia rank compared to other countries?
Note: This data source is the Potsdam Institute in Germany. It excludes emissions from the Land Use sector.
Source: PRIMAP-hist via OnlyFacts | Updated: 13-09-24 | License: CC BY 4.0
Source: PRIMAP-hist via OnlyFacts | Updated: 13-09-24 | License: CC BY 4.0
Australia’s reported greenhouse gas emissions are often revised in later reports. This page tracks every version of reported emissions in the quarterly inventory updates.
How to read these charts: The lines show Australia's reported emissions in million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2-e). Each line represents the date they were reported. Click on the categories in the legend to deselect.
Acknowledgment: This topic was inspired by Ketan Joshi, an author and communications consultant who focuses on climate. The chart concepts below also come from him.
Emissions Revisions
Source: DCCEEW Quarterly updates via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0
Transport is Australia's second-biggest greenhouse gas emitter, after electricity.
'Road' is the biggest category in transport emissions, by far. When we drill down into 'road' emissions, cars dominate. Just 2% of Australia's 21 million registered vehicles are electric.
That figure is growing. But something else has changed. There are more diesel vehicles on the roads too.
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