👋 Hi and welcome to OnlyFacts

We’re a nonpartisan fact tank dedicated to raising Australia’s collective IQ on big issues by making data more accessible.

  • Data accessibility isn’t just about data availability. Plenty of data is technically available but not practically accessible to most people. Truly accessible data is easy to find, understand, and use.
  • We’re laser-focused on finding and communicating data that helps answer one deceptively simple question: what is happening? 
  • By doing this, we aim to elevate fact-based public debate, help people make sense of the world, and empower communities and organisations to be self-governing and make informed decisions.

Want to know more about who we are, where we came from, and what drives us? Check out our About Us page.

How we work

We do three things: count, compare, and share. Sounds simple, right? Not quite.

  • Counting means dealing with data that’s unstructured, fragmented, messy, hidden, incomplete, delayed, or not machine-readable.
  • We love hunting for what we call ‘small data’—hyper-local, granular insights. We’re also obsessed with finding the most up-to-date data possible. This means the data we share is as concrete and relevant as possible. 
  • We distribute our data and insights in different ways to maximise reach and impact.

We hope that you will use our data, charts and content. Here's how you can do that.

What we cover

We cover issues where data is at the core. Right now, we’re focused on the biggest data story on the planet: climate change

As Bill Gates wrote in How to Avoid a Climate Disaster:

There are two numbers you need to know about climate change. The first is 51 billion. The other is zero.

We plan to expand into other areas of public interest data soon.

If you’re interested in collaborating on a project, get in touch.

What to expect

As you explore this site, expect our topics and datasets to grow.

  • We always strive to provide both the big picture and details, with fair, peer-to-peer comparisons and the necessary context.
  • It’s a big job, and we couldn’t do it without your feedback. If you have suggestions or ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our users are our best and smartest asset.

Your next steps

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