About OnlyFacts
OnlyFacts is a nonpartisan, non-advocacy fact tank that combines data, editorial, and technology to elevate fact-based communication, discourse, and decision-making.
We aggregate data from a wide range of sources — publicly available datasets, private partnerships, investigations, and proprietary data. We specialise in tricky data that is fragmented, unstructured, messy, hidden, incomplete, delayed, or not machine-readable. We focus on small data—local, granular insights that are more relevant and actionable.
Data communication goes beyond visualisations. We use data as a foundation to build editorial and content pipelines that meet audiences where they are—to engage and inform. Users can instantly access the data behind the story and dig into it with full transparency. This transparency builds trust.
Our Story
OnlyFacts grew out of the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2020, Australians had no clear way to follow critical Covid-19 metrics. Information from health departments was scattered across websites, press conferences and social media. News media created more anxiety than clarity via rolling updates with alarmist headlines (‘Tsunami of cases’) and divisive angles (‘Well-heeled Sydney areas leading COVID-19 count’).
OnlyFacts co-founders, Juliette O’Brien OAM and Anthony Macali OAM, independently started Australia’s first and biggest Covid data trackers. Their platforms were used by more than 10 million Australian users over 500 million times. They aggregated, processed and published data that was relied upon by global aggregators (such as Google, Johns Hopkins, Our World In Data), national institutes (such as Doherty, Grattan and Burnett), medical research (cited in The Lancet, Medical Journal of Australia), as well as government agencies and dozens of private companies. They were awarded Medals of the Order of Australia for their work. Juliette was a finalist in the Walkley Journalism Awards for innovation.
The Covid-19 pandemic was unique, but the hunger for relevant and timely facts was not. Today, Australians face similar knowledge gaps on other issues that affect their lives and livelihoods, such as climate change, decarbonisation, energy, education and housing.
Our Purpose
OnlyFacts is a purpose-driven company. Our goal is to:
- Give people the facts they need to make sense of the world around them
- Empower communities and organisations to be self-governing and make informed decisions
- Elevate fact-based public discourse
Our Principles
As a team dedicated to tracking and communicating public interest data, we follow these principles:
- Be relevant: The best data is fast and local
- Be accessible: Everyone should be able to understand
- Earn trust: Be transparent with data and sources
- Be clear: Logic should be self-discoverable
- No projections: Focus on what’s happening now
- No opinions: Break through media bubbles
- Noise-free: Avoid angle-driven stories and commentary
- Collaborative: Work with others
Our Decisions
Default No Projections
Our focus is on figuring out what is actually happening now — not what might happen. Occasionally, we’ll share projections from governments and other bodies when they’re relevant. And sometimes, it will be useful to show where we’re headed ‘if nothing changes’— something we learned during COVID.
No Opinions
We provide facts, data, and information — not opinions or assertions. We recognise that editorial choices are unavoidable. What datasets should we tackle? What will we highlight? What words should we use? These are all editorial decisions. But our guiding goal isn’t to stir debate or convince anyone. It’s to identify and communicate baseline truths — all in pursuit of one deceptively simple question: what is happening?
Our Pillars
OnlyFacts operates across three interconnected pillars, all using the same core technology, resources, and data models. Each supports the others and diversifies opportunities.
OF Platform – A data platform and content ecosystem where Australians can find, follow, discuss, and use timely, relevant data about major issues.
OF Studio – A specialist agency that helps businesses and communities find, use and communicate data.
OF Research (in development) – A not-for-profit fact tank focused on elevating fact-based public discourse through action-based research.