
Aus, Lga List

AUS - Jan 25 - Cumulative units per 10k


per 10k



Carnarvon 2,321 1,283 1
Waroona 2,188 975 2
Gingin 2,045 1,240 3
Irwin 1,879 722 4
Donnybrook-Balingup 1,811 1,166 5
Corrigin 1,778 183 6
Dalwallinu 1,680 243 7
York 1,605 578 8
Quairading 1,603 156 9
Murray 1,516 3,005 10
Wyndham 1,459 47,272 11
Pingelly 1,439 156 12
Lismore 1,421 6,239 13
Melton 1,417 29,206 14
Narembeen 1,417 118 15
Kondinin 1,410 121 16
Bellingen 1,410 1,865 17
Byron 1,399 5,194 18
Queenscliffe 1,387 449 19
Jerramungup 1,385 168 20
Boddington 1,377 246 21
Flinders (Tas.) 1,318 123 22
Bruce Rock 1,285 134 23
Ballina 1,257 5,942 24
Dandaragan 1,254 470 25
Port Macquarie-Hastings 1,251 11,205 26
Exmouth 1,249 433 27
Toodyay 1,241 615 28
Mundaring 1,236 5,121 29
Morawa 1,222 83 30
Kalamunda 1,221 7,654 31
Collie 1,220 1,134 32
Victoria Plains 1,214 100 33
Bridgetown-Greenbushes 1,208 685 34
Wongan-Ballidu 1,205 161 35
Kent 1,202 63 36
Broomehill-Tambellup 1,196 131 37
Mitchell 1,191 6,396 38
Beverley 1,182 209 39
Golden Plains 1,176 3,036 40
Nannup 1,164 190 41
Kempsey 1,159 3,645 42
Katanning 1,149 493 43
Cunderdin 1,135 150 44
Greater Geraldton 1,130 4,737 45
Clarence Valley 1,124 6,219 46
Cardinia 1,124 14,271 47
Busselton 1,112 4,890 48
Denmark 1,109 734 49
Coffs Harbour 1,104 8,886 50
Northam 1,086 1,324 51
Richmond Valley 1,084 2,569 52
Three Springs 1,079 64 53
Manjimup 1,078 1,017 54
Williams 1,066 113 55
Unincorp. Other Territories 1,065 268 56
Coober Pedy 1,058 164 57
East Gippsland 1,048 5,152 58
Baw Baw 1,042 6,318 59
Northampton 1,039 350 60
Wagin 1,035 188 61
Gnowangerup 1,032 131 62
Whittlesea 1,030 25,230 63
Serpentine-Jarrahdale 1,029 3,780 64
Cuballing 999 95 65
Eurobodalla 986 4,034 66
Merredin 985 322 67
Mukinbudin 983 59 68
Augusta Margaret River 979 1,823 69
Kojonup 976 192 70
Surf Coast 974 3,829 71
Moorabool 974 3,807 72
Bass Coast 965 4,122 73
Kulin 957 76 74
Boyup Brook 955 186 75
Nambucca Valley 955 1,983 76
Moora 945 226 77
Dumbleyung 942 66 78
Coorow 930 103 79
Chittering 928 605 80
West Arthur 928 73 81
Wickepin 913 64 82
Canning 907 9,407 83
Casey 891 34,921 84
Greater Geelong 882 24,951 85
Bassendean 877 1,483 86
Greater Bendigo 877 10,887 87
Rockhampton 868 7,339 88
Tweed 867 8,579 89
Fraser Coast 860 10,148 90
King Island 856 141 91
Mandurah 823 8,171 92
Macedon Ranges 817 4,321 93
Yilgarn 810 97 94
Plantagenet 810 459 95
Wodonga 799 3,537 96
Mid-Coast 797 7,806 97
Shoalhaven 794 8,723 98
Hume 793 20,845 99
South Gippsland 792 2,442 100
Cranbrook 792 91 101
Mansfield 790 833 102
Moira 790 2,430 103
Yankalilla 787 480 104
Perenjori 786 51 105
Ceduna 780 290 106
Goomalling 780 77 107
Carnamah 777 45 108
Strathbogie 774 896 109
Armadale 771 8,106 110
Greater Shepparton 769 5,318 111
Brookton 764 73 112
Broome 764 1,422 113
Mildura 762 4,385 114
Harvey 755 2,326 115
Lake Grace 753 98 116
Kyogle 753 713 117
Mount Alexander 753 1,549 118
East Pilbara 752 782 119
Dardanup 745 1,168 120
Kellerberrin 738 86 121
Gympie 726 4,079 122
Swan 725 12,437 123
Livingstone 724 3,032 124
Port Stephens 716 5,565 125
Cockburn 715 9,316 126
Meekatharra 703 91 127
Kiama 703 1,617 128
Wyndham-East Kimberley 700 575 129
Dowerin 678 50 130
Colac Otway 676 1,506 131
Scenic Rim 670 3,031 132
Unincorporated NSW 661 67 133
Port Augusta 660 952 134
Streaky Bay 654 149 135
Rockingham 651 9,694 136
Whyalla 647 1,417 137
Bundaberg 647 6,736 138
Horsham 645 1,311 139
Narrogin 642 320 140
Wentworth 641 493 141
Alpine 641 845 142
Ballarat 639 7,546 143
Joondalup 638 10,823 144
Wiluna 634 36 145
Northern Areas 619 289 146
Loddon 616 477 147
Kwinana 615 3,202 148
Hepburn 611 1,018 149
Bunbury 610 2,122 150
Derby-West Kimberley 601 507 151
Noosa 598 3,492 152
Claremont 598 728 153
Sunshine Coast 595 21,781 154
Latrobe (Vic.) 588 4,596 155
Murrindindi 586 908 156
Mareeba 585 1,386 157
Murray River 582 776 158
Wellington 580 2,674 159
Indigo 578 1,021 160
Redland 576 9,608 161
Warrnambool 576 2,067 162
Mount Magnet 571 40 163
Wanneroo 570 13,075 164
Tablelands 569 1,551 165
Campaspe 567 2,172 166
Wangaratta 567 1,701 167
Dungog 563 550 168
Walcha 559 166 169
Melville 558 6,166 170
Aurukun 555 64 171
Albany 552 2,262 172
Hindmarsh 552 307 173
Capel 552 1,067 174
Victor Harbor 549 926 175
Gannawarra 537 560 176
Esperance 525 763 177
Lake Macquarie 518 11,366 178
East Fremantle 518 426 179
Muswellbrook 506 849 180
Franklin Harbour 503 67 181
Bega Valley 502 1,820 182
Cottesloe 498 433 183
Lockyer Valley 498 2,183 184
Singleton 494 1,252 185
Mornington Peninsula 492 8,383 186
Somerset 492 1,291 187
Ravensthorpe 483 110 188
Isaac 483 1,112 189
Central Highlands (Qld) 482 1,397 190
Bayswater 479 3,560 191
Leonora 479 83 192
Cambridge 474 1,477 193
Loxton Waikerie 472 561 194
Cassowary Coast 471 1,413 195
Barossa 467 1,227 196
Moyne 467 822 197
Moreton Bay 463 23,617 198
Gladstone 460 3,077 199
Belmont 460 2,114 200
Adelaide Hills 459 1,921 201
Coonamble 456 176 202
Buloke 454 274 203
Stirling 449 10,949 204
Alexandrina 449 1,361 205
Logan 449 16,949 206
Glenelg 449 898 207
Bourke 448 106 208
Yorke Peninsula 447 538 209
Swan Hill 446 946 210
Upper Hunter 441 632 211
Adelaide Plains 432 472 212
Maitland 432 4,142 213
Mount Remarkable 431 125 214
Towong 426 266 215
Yarriambiack 426 272 216
Northern Grampians 423 503 217
Fremantle 422 1,484 218
Mount Barker 422 1,783 219
Central Goldfields 419 569 220
Peterborough 416 70 221
Gold Coast 415 27,614 222
Coorong 410 230 223
Ipswich 404 10,150 224
Kangaroo Island 404 207 225
Cessnock 403 2,724 226
Benalla 401 583 227
Mitcham 397 2,763 228
Mid Murray 395 375 229
Inverell 390 704 230
Toowoomba 388 7,061 231
Liverpool Plains 387 297 232
Armidale 386 1,142 233
Mosman Park 384 385 234
Flinders Ranges 383 64 235
Kimba 378 40 236
Berri Barmera 377 405 237
Gosnells 375 5,144 238
Cairns 374 6,559 239
Douglas 373 479 240
Shark Bay 372 42 241
Gawler 372 996 242
Tamworth 371 2,423 243
Dundas 371 26 244
Karoonda East Murray 364 37 245
Longreach 361 135 246
Corangamite 361 575 247
Port Hedland 360 621 248
Mount Isa 358 679 249
Wakefield 358 249 250
Gilgandra 355 153 251
Gwydir 352 174 252
Halls Creek 351 145 253
Murray Bridge 348 797 254
Central Coast (NSW) 346 12,188 255
Wudinna 345 40 256
Southern Grampians 344 567 257
Glen Innes Severn 344 309 258
Narrabri 343 438 259
Hawkesbury 341 2,325 260
Warren 341 88 261
Ararat 339 396 262
Unincorporated SA 338 102 263
Clare and Gilbert Valleys 338 318 264
Nedlands 338 815 265
Cook 336 160 266
Goyder 334 138 267
Greater Hume 332 380 268
Robe 331 53 269
Lachlan 330 203 270
South Burnett 330 1,132 271
Mid-Western 330 855 272
Greater Dandenong 330 5,397 273
Southern Downs 323 1,208 274
Torres Strait Island 320 137 275
Monash 319 6,501 276
Charters Towers 319 383 277
Kingston (SA) 318 76 278
Roxby Downs 316 130 279
Walgett 315 174 280
Maribyrnong 314 2,884 281
South Perth 312 1,455 282
Tenterfield 311 217 283
North Burnett 309 320 284
Southern Mallee 308 62 285
Merri-bek 308 5,574 286
Narromine 307 198 287
Playford 306 3,281 288
Whitehorse 306 5,460 289
Wollondilly 303 1,745 290
Yass Valley 303 529 291
Doomadgee 301 44 292
Brisbane 298 39,434 293
Lower Eyre Peninsula 297 183 294
Onkaparinga 296 5,359 295
Warrumbungle 295 272 296
Dubbo 286 1,616 297
Maranoa 285 378 298
Weddin 285 103 299
Cleve 285 50 300
Blayney 284 217 301
Uralla 283 171 302
Western Downs 283 989 303
Balranald 282 62 304
Pyrenees 281 219 305
Wollongong 281 6,163 306
Cobar 277 113 307
Hobsons Bay 277 2,595 308
Gunnedah 276 367 309
Light 276 459 310
Barunga West 276 74 311
Tasman 276 74 312
Glen Eira 274 4,305 313
Copper Coast 273 436 314
Darebin 272 4,231 315
Banana 271 405 316
Mackay 271 3,442 317
Salisbury 270 4,036 318
Cabonne 269 373 319
Newcastle 268 4,677 320
West Wimmera 267 105 321
Victoria Park 263 1,071 322
Weipa 261 111 323
Queanbeyan-Palerang 260 1,702 324
Edward River 260 219 325
Orroroo Carrieton 259 23 326
Moonee Valley 258 3,266 327
Bogan 256 62 328
Richmond 256 20 329
Townsville 254 5,119 330
Subiaco 254 479 331
Port Lincoln 254 381 332
Lockhart 253 86 333
Knox 253 4,094 334
Break O'Day 253 179 335
Naracoorte Lucindale 252 225 336
Orange 251 1,109 337
Yarra Ranges 250 3,971 338
Renmark Paringa 247 250 339
Shellharbour 245 1,953 340
Sutherland 238 5,603 341
Blue Mountains 237 1,862 342
Hay 237 67 343
Murrumbidgee 236 85 344
Barcaldine 235 68 345
Berrigan 235 203 346
Manningham 232 3,002 347
Wingecarribee 232 1,231 348
Boroondara 229 4,001 349
Coolamon 229 104 350
Kalgoorlie-Boulder 228 702 351
Federation 228 295 352
Campbelltown (NSW) 227 4,198 353
Kingborough 227 935 354
Oberon 227 127 355
Tatiara 226 160 356
Holdfast Bay 221 858 357
Grant 221 200 358
Bayside (Vic.) 220 2,299 359
Coolgardie 217 80 360
Unincorporated ACT 215 10,047 361
Karratha 215 521 362
Upper Lachlan 210 183 363
Goondiwindi 209 218 364
Port Pirie 204 359 365
Kingston (Vic.) 203 3,322 366
Frankston 202 2,886 367
Moree Plains 200 258 368
Hornsby 199 3,061 369
Banyule 195 2,531 370
Laverton 195 28 371
Dorset 189 132 372
Ashburton 188 152 373
Huon Valley 188 366 374
Campbelltown (SA) 188 1,075 375
Balonne 186 81 376
Parkes 186 265 377
George Town 186 136 378
Walkerville 185 156 379
Nillumbik 183 1,160 380
Elliston 183 19 381
Snowy Valleys 181 271 382
Maroondah 180 2,119 383
Hilltops 179 345 384
Burnside 179 850 385
Snowy Monaro 174 385 386
Cowra 174 220 387
Penrith 168 3,765 388
Cootamundra-Gundagai 166 190 389
Kentish 165 113 390
Marion 163 1,604 391
The Hills 162 3,370 392
Northern Midlands 161 230 393
Brimbank 159 3,123 394
Ku-ring-gai 159 2,017 395
Port Adelaide Enfield 159 2,197 396
Tumby Bay 158 46 397
Carpentaria 158 35 398
Winton 158 18 399
Bathurst 158 705 400
Hobart 155 867 401
Blackall Tambo 154 30 402
Lithgow 153 318 403
Whitsunday 153 608 404
Wattle Range 152 186 405
Temora 151 91 406
Tea Tree Gully 149 1,543 407
Goulburn Mulwaree 147 482 408
Launceston 145 1,044 409
Bland 143 78 410
West Torrens 143 921 411
Burdekin 141 240 412
Charles Sturt 140 1,790 413
Glamorgan-Spring Bay 139 73 414
Adelaide 139 387 415
Unley 138 550 416
Vincent 137 551 417
Forbes 137 127 418
Wagga Wagga 136 934 419
Prospect 134 311 420
Albury 134 770 421
Liverpool 128 3,158 422
West Tamar 127 330 423
Clarence 123 786 424
Paroo 122 21 425
Camden 121 1,631 426
Mount Gambier 119 330 427
Yarra 117 1,143 428
Flinders (Qld) 117 18 429
Junee 117 76 430
Leeton 116 133 431
Murweh 116 46 432
Brighton 114 228 433
Fairfield 112 2,348 434
Inner West 111 2,095 435
Northern Beaches 111 2,976 436
Sorell 110 194 437
Norwood Payneham and St Peters 109 430 438
Derwent Valley 108 123 439
Central Darling 108 19 440
Unincorporated Vic 105 10 441
Latrobe (Tas.) 103 135 442
Parramatta 102 2,749 443
Central Coast (Tas.) 102 237 444
Blacktown 101 4,313 445
Canterbury-Bankstown 100 3,786 446
Meander Valley 98 211 447
Georges River 98 1,554 448
Ryde 98 1,332 449
Hinchinbrook 98 109 450
Broken Hill 94 165 451
Narrandera 90 51 452
Stonnington 88 984 453
Northern Peninsula Area 86 25 454
Devonport 86 231 455
Randwick 84 1,190 456
McKinlay 82 7 457
Glenorchy 80 404 458
Cocos Islands 79 5 459
Waratah-Wynyard 77 113 460
Port Phillip 77 838 461
Burnie 73 149 462
Cumberland 72 1,773 463
Griffith 62 167 464
Woollahra 61 331 465
Burwood 59 252 466
Lane Cove 58 242 467
Carrathool 58 16 468
Hunters Hill 58 81 469
Ngaanyatjarraku 54 8 470
Menzies 52 3 471
Mosman 51 149 472
Canada Bay 50 456 473
Bayside (NSW) 49 905 474
Cloncurry 49 19 475
Willoughby 48 373 476
Southern Midlands 48 33 477
North Sydney 47 342 478
Melbourne 45 802 479
Perth 44 144 480
Circular Head 43 36 481
Brewarrina 43 6 482
Waverley 41 291 483
Strathfield 35 169 484
Sydney 29 674 485
Woorabinda 28 3 486
Christmas Island 16 3 487
West Coast 16 7 488
Quilpie 14 1 489
Bulloo 3,642 126 -
Trayning 1,617 49 -
Tammin 1,535 62 -
Woodanilling 1,399 67 -
Mingenew 1,319 55 -
Mount Marshall 1,258 58 -
Westonia 1,189 29 -
Koorda 1,186 44 -
Yalgoo 952 34 -
Sandstone 948 11 -
Nungarin 938 24 -
Cue 736 17 -
Wyalkatchem 713 35 -
Upper Gascoyne 547 11 -
Barcoo 442 14 -
Boulia 356 17 -
Diamantina 221 6 -

Source: CER via OnlyFacts | Updated: 19-02-25 | License: CC BY 4.0


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