Guide to renewable energy in Australia

Australia’s energy sector is undergoing an historic transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources.

Historically, coal has dominated Australia’s electricity generation.

Renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, increasingly make up Australia’s energy mix.

They're called 'renewable' because the fuel source can be replenished.

Solar power leads, with rapid growth in rooftop installations and large-scale solar farms. Wind power also plays a crucial role, especially in South Australia and Victoria.

The transition to renewable energy faces challenges.

Renewable sources of energy are subject to intermittency and variability due to seasonality.

Integrating variable renewable energy into the grid requires infrastructure upgrades and changes in grid management.

Debates continue on the need for energy storage and backup power to ensure reliability.

Data source: OpenNEM.

Data notes: Trend data does not currently include WA and NT. Trend data updated at end of month.

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