
Qld, Lga List

QLD - Dec 24 - Cumulative units per 10k


per 10k



Etheridge 25,386 1,843 1
Charters Towers 12,322 14,803 2
Livingstone 4,018 16,837 3
Central Highlands 3,555 10,300 4
Gympie 3,099 17,408 5
Scenic Rim 3,088 13,972 6
Burdekin 2,833 4,822 7
Fraser Coast 2,818 33,236 8
Quilpie 2,793 198 9
Somerset 2,691 7,065 10
Bundaberg 2,619 27,282 11
Noosa 2,587 15,098 12
Redland 2,540 42,365 13
Sunshine Coast 2,467 90,274 14
Lockyer Valley 2,408 10,558 15
Flinders 2,364 365 16
Moreton Bay 2,335 119,098 17
Paroo 2,267 391 18
Southern Downs 2,232 8,357 19
Douglas 2,221 2,849 20
Ipswich 2,209 55,469 21
Gladstone 2,201 14,711 22
Maranoa 2,193 2,907 23
Whitsunday 2,178 8,648 24
Balonne 2,177 946 25
Richmond 2,177 170 26
North Burnett 2,092 2,166 27
South Burnett 2,091 7,171 28
Winton 2,047 233 29
Murweh 2,042 810 30
Mackay 2,007 25,471 31
Barcaldine 1,987 575 32
Western Downs 1,953 6,832 33
Logan 1,951 73,694 34
Tablelands 1,892 5,157 35
Blackall Tambo 1,854 362 36
Toowoomba 1,853 33,696 37
Mareeba 1,830 4,337 38
Goondiwindi 1,810 1,892 39
Cairns 1,808 31,718 40
Gold Coast 1,743 116,097 41
Longreach 1,726 645 42
Townsville 1,720 34,645 43
McKinlay 1,673 142 44
Cassowary Coast 1,654 4,956 45
Brisbane 1,537 203,304 46
Mount Isa 1,429 2,707 47
Cook 1,367 651 48
Banana 1,231 1,837 49
Carpentaria 954 211 50
Cloncurry 893 344 51
Isaac 721 1,660 52
Rockhampton 455 3,849 53
Torres Strait Island 357 153 54
Woorabinda 157 17 55
Northern Peninsula Area 120 35 56
Diamantina 7,500 204 -
Bulloo 4,364 151 -
Burke 1,735 76 -
Barcoo 1,167 37 -
Unknown QLD - 425 -

Source: CER via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-01-25 | License: CC BY 4.0


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