
Qld, Lga List

QLD - Dec 24 - Cumulative units per 10k


per 10k



Etheridge 10,427 757 1
Livingstone 1,546 6,478 2
Charters Towers 1,346 1,617 3
Central Highlands 1,271 3,683 4
Fraser Coast 871 10,268 5
Cook 704 335 6
Gympie 700 3,932 7
Scenic Rim 669 3,025 8
Bundaberg 646 6,732 9
Mareeba 616 1,460 10
Noosa 598 3,490 11
Sunshine Coast 595 21,761 12
Redland 575 9,599 13
Tablelands 542 1,477 14
Somerset 499 1,309 15
Lockyer Valley 496 2,176 16
Moreton Bay 485 24,763 17
Isaac 483 1,112 18
Gladstone 460 3,074 19
Gold Coast 414 27,591 20
Logan 406 15,349 21
Ipswich 404 10,139 22
Toowoomba 388 7,051 23
Cairns 374 6,553 24
Douglas 373 479 25
Longreach 361 135 26
Mount Isa 357 677 27
South Burnett 324 1,112 28
Torres Strait Island 320 137 29
Southern Downs 315 1,180 30
North Burnett 309 320 31
Brisbane 301 39,812 32
Western Downs 286 999 33
Maranoa 277 367 34
Mackay 271 3,441 35
Richmond 256 20 36
Barcaldine 235 68 37
Cassowary Coast 219 656 38
Banana 211 315 39
Goondiwindi 209 218 40
Rockhampton 200 1,691 41
Townsville 198 3,993 42
Balonne 186 81 43
Carpentaria 158 35 44
Winton 158 18 45
Blackall Tambo 154 30 46
Whitsunday 153 608 47
Burdekin 141 240 48
Paroo 122 21 49
Flinders 117 18 50
Murweh 116 46 51
Northern Peninsula Area 86 25 52
McKinlay 82 7 53
Cloncurry 49 19 54
Woorabinda 28 3 55
Quilpie 14 1 56
Bulloo 3,642 126 -
Burke 1,005 44 -
Diamantina 846 23 -
Barcoo 442 14 -
Unknown QLD - 246 -

Source: CER via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-01-25 | License: CC BY 4.0


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