
Act, Postcode List

ACT - Dec 24 - Cumulative units per 10k


per 10k



2615 453 2,145 1
2614 331 681 2
2902 302 474 3
2602 292 1,010 4
2903 288 276 5
2605 283 354 6
2904 278 367 7
2607 223 328 8
2617 199 759 9
2905 179 515 10
2603 162 167 11
2600 161 133 12
2606 157 189 13
2604 114 148 14
2612 97 184 15
2906 94 171 16
2609 79 9 17
2900 43 18 18
2601 14 11 19
2611 - 1,278 -
2618 - 73 -
2616 - 11 -
2910 - 1 -

Source: CER via OnlyFacts | Updated: 28-01-25 | License: CC BY 4.0


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